Danubius University

Richterova č. 1171

925 21 Sládkovičovo

Slovak Republic

tel : +421 31 773 28 11

About AFE

The Danubius University in Sládkoviovo, Richterova 1171, founded the Academy of Further Education (AFE). Danubius University's AFE is a training and counseling facility. The AFE's main focus is on the preparation, organization, and provision of further education and continuous education in accordance with Act No. 131/2002 Coll. concerning universities in accordance with Act No. 568/2009 Coll. on Lifelong Learning and Amendments to Certain Laws and Danubius University Statute. AFE is a non-profit organization with no legal status.

The Academic Senate of Danubius University accepted the AFE's establishment and competence on February 25, 2013, and the Scientific Council of Danubius University authorized it on April 25, 2013. AFE is a post-secondary educational institution that allows students to supplement, refresh, expand, or deepen their existing qualifications, as well as to pursue personal interests and participate in civil society.