Please send your submissions to journal in electronic form to in the following format:
- post title - Times New Roman, font size: 14 points, capital letters, center
- name of the author/authors - Times New Roman, font size: 12 points, capital letters, center
- keywords: 4-7 keywords in Slovak and English
- abstract in Slovak and English (approx. 700 characters)
- author´s text in languages: English, German, French, Polish, Hungarian, Russian
- list of used literature and citations according to valid STN ISO 690-2012 standards, Harvard referecing style.
Font: Times New Roman, font size: 12 points
Line spacing: 1.5
Text alignment: justified.
The entire text should be processed in MS WORD 6.0 and above.
Layout of the page: 2.5 cm (margins - top, bottom, left and right) and 1.25 cm (header and footer).
Ruler width (line length): 16 cm.
Do not number the pages.
Abbreviations used for the first time should be explained properly and in full text. Do not use them in headings of articles, graphs or tables.
Differentiate capital letter O and number 0, small letter l and number 1.
Include author´s contact information at the end of the submission. (author/authors' workplace, titles, ranks, contact: e-mail)
Tables: Table annotation: Table 1 Name of the table (below the table). Do not use styles and vertical text orientation.
Images: Annotations of images: Image 1 image name (below the image).
Submission acceptance. Submissions are assessed in terms of their content and form. Based on reviewer's recommendation, the editorial board will decide whether to accept or reject the submission. Submited paper may be returned to the author for additions or revisions, depending on the reviewer's comments. Editorial staff reserves the right to formally edit the submissions and, in case of necessity, the right to include the paper in specific issues at their own discretion. Published submissions are not paid, but the electronic - internet form of the magazine ensures their high publicity. The published text becomes property of the publisher and any further use is possible only with citing the origin of the paper.