Danubius University

Richterova č. 1171

925 21 Sládkovičovo

Slovak Republic

tel : +421 31 773 28 11


Danubius University (DU) in Sládkovičovo is active in the field of higher education for more than two decades. At present it has three faculties – Faculty of Law (FPJJ), a Faculty of social studies (FSŠ) and a Faculty of public policy and public administration (FVPVS). The university has obtained the accreditation for these study programmes - law, public policy and public administration, international relations and social studies.
Studying at the faculties of the VŠD is structured in accordance with the Bologna Declaration:

1st grade – Bachelor
2nd level – Master

The basic instrument of organizing and recording of a study is a credit system corresponding to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).