Danubius University

Richterova č. 1171

925 21 Sládkovičovo

Slovak Republic

tel : +421 31 773 28 11

About Us

For more than two decades, Danubius University (DU) in Sládkovičovo has been working in the sphere of higher education in Slovakia. It currently has three faculties: the Faculty of Law (FPJJ), the Faculty of Social Studies (FSŠ), and the Faculty of Public Policy and Administration (FVPVS). The university has obtained the accreditation for these study programmes - law, public policy and public administration, international relations and social studies.

Our idea is to provide students with a high-quality education at a typical European level, since we recognize that our youth's financial condition is terrible, and many are hampered by significant fees for housing and subsistence. Current scientific and technological advancements have already made it feasible for young people to obtain a high-level education without having to leave the country through e-learning or distant learning.

Our institution recognizes the need of providing education to young people from low-income families, especially those with great educational potential. The high quality of education at DU also demonstrates a diverse range of opportunities for study abroad through programs like Erasmus +. Our institution engages in extensive international collaboration and prepares students for the potential of earning dual diplomas while studying abroad. DU joined 2021 an international research group called EUROFUR. The aim of the research group is to undertake a scientific discussion on topics important for European integration. The creation of a multinational research group is an expression of the care of the representatives of the scientific world for the future of Europe, individual countries and local communities.

DU is an institution that values a collegiate, highly professional approach. In the educational process, state-of-the-art teaching methods are used, which are supported by current scientific and technological advances. Our pedagogical and academic staff has extensive expertise and has worked in a variety of Slovak and international educational institutions.